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Kitsap County Virus Daily Report

New Highs in Kitsap County


Today, Kitsap hit a new high in active cases and an increase of 16% over the old high.


Remember I take the current cases and subtract the cases from 14 days prior. We could use 7 or 10 days. But I used the time frame they said in the beginning of 14 days.


But not only is Kitsap county hitting new highs, all  of the other areas I monitor are, except for Yakima county which is still relatively flat.


So, we put in the mask mandate on 6-26. There was a downturn on 7-26 in many areas. Then it picked up again in the middle of September and now all are hitting new highs.


Nothing has changed, we are all in the same phase the mask mandate is mostly followed yet cases are soaring. I think it is because the folks are realizing very few die from the virus. Since the beginning there were no interviews of people that survived the virus, even though there were many in the news. It wasn’t until President Trump, Melania and Baron got it and came through with flying colors. There were many on both sides of the aisle that did “not” die.


Trump was out bragging he could not spread or catch the virus.


I think many of us said screw it and are not following the strict mask protocols or even washing their hands. I believe the mask can get contaminated and actually be part of the surge.


Deaths are flat! I suppose most of those at risk are aware and taking precautions.


You can see the latest graphs on the side.



Kitsap County Virus Report 11-9-20

It is a bit tough KPHD adjusts the numbers. Again, these numbers are only to show trends.


These are new highs. The only way a virus spreads is through contact with others or off a contaminated surface. The mask was supposed to control it. Masks do not work!


I still think no mask and less touching your face would reduce the chance. But then why not just get it and get over it?


Population 276,315
10/30/2020        1760 Total Cases
10/17/2020       -1535 Recovered             
Active Cases       203
Deaths 22


To see the current state of the virus, you subtract the total cases from two weeks ago from today's total for the current state of the virus, after two weeks you are over the virus or dead. As you can see below Washington recommends 10 days. It was 7 but now matches the CDC recommendations


Cases have surged in Kitsap county after the mask mandate. You watch the news, and nothing is said. We are all wearing masks and cases are higher than ever. The USA is at its highest level


Bainbridge Island 7 active
69 recovered


Bremerton 52 active
419 recovered


Central Kitsap 74 active
382 recovered


North Kitsap 44 active
239 recovered


South Kitsap 44 active
420 recovered


The Mask Mandate and Deaths


March 9th to June 25th - 3 Deaths

After Mask Mandate June 26th to Oct 20th - 19 Deaths


22 deaths - All were older adults who had tested positive for COVID-19 and had underlying health conditions. More than likely died with the virus not of the virus. You would think these seniors would be safe by now! But then we are seeing many more false positives. Who in the hell is visiting seniors? We are all required to wear masks and seniors are getting the virus?



Our own John Schroeter from BI has a new COVID book, make sure you check it out.


Brainwashed: Cutting Through the COVID Confusion


“We are living through an upheaval of such historic proportions that it's hard to know if we were giving birth to a new and wonderful world or actually destroying all that we have known as good, true, and beautiful. But what's behind it all?”


What to do if you get COVID.


Discontinuing home isolation


For individuals with symptoms who are confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and are directed to care for themselves at home, discontinue home isolation under the following conditions:


• At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)


• At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.


Individuals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms may discontinue home isolation when at least 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test and have had no subsequent illness.

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© 2023 by Kitsap County Virus Report

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