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Kitsap County Virus Daily Report


Kitsap County Virus Report 1-4-21



Hi All,

I hope you all had a happy holiday season and I wish you a Happy New Year.


I have been studying and tracking this virus since March 9th. I have watched as the government implemented this top-down solution. Locking up the healthy to save the few. We now know this destroyed our economy and did very little to save lives. We all are very well aware of that.

But as I look over the statistics I realize, and they are virtually worthless.




In the beginning there was no testing! Imagine those that just stayed home with the flu. In Kitsap County we probably had a few hundred more. To date we have 3800 positive cases in 10 months. It has boomed lately, more than likely to more efficient testing, you can see in the KC active case graph there is not much rhyme or reason to the trends. The world surged in late October and hit a peak in the middle of December.


Positive test cases drive the whole show. Let’s take a look at total tests.


They quit reporting the negative tests in Kitsap County on Nov 11, but you can go to the Washington State COVID dashboard for the numbers which differ from KC. We have a total of 90234 tests with 3871 cases that is one positive case in 22 tests or 4.3%. There seemed to be an increase in people with actual symptoms going in for testing. Earlier it was around 3%! I wonder if all this testing has stopped one death? Focusing on cases seems to not have worked, they have surged everywhere whether there were draconian rules or none. 


"When all this is over, we may well find that the biggest international variable isn’t the number of preventable deaths. It is the damage to the living."


We also know that there are 5 to 10 times more untested cases. No reference to than in any of the reports. That would make the recovery rate 99.99%. As you can see below Kitsap County has a 99.1% recovery rate with the confirmed cases.


We have never had a pandemic!


Kitsap County - 10 months

Deaths/Population = %

36/270,000 = .013% US .110%


Recovered/Population = %

3,835/270,000 = 1.4% US 6.3%


36/3871 = 99.1% US 98.3% recover!




Now if there is anything that should be thoroughly investigated is the hospitalizations. We like to think of our doctors and hospitals being completely altruistic! But if you are on Medicare you can feel the dollar sign on your back every time you go to the doctor! They have a vested interest in finding something wrong with you and today they are all tied to the CHI Franciscan healthcare system. Now this is in no way to criticize their service, I find them very good. It is only in reference to the COVID, there could be questions with charges for ICU and other services. I am sure that differs in different areas of the USA.


The hospitalization statistics are a bit vague! If you stop by, that is a hospitalization. The doctors and hospital are benefiting by COVID. You see all the reports on lack of beds. Of course, they are again lacking any detail. We went on lock down to let the hospitals get up to speed. 


We have to realize that a hospital is not prepared for an influx of patients. They do studies on average bed use. But if we remember in the beginning all the bed expansion was for naught. But it was to be for two weeks and got extended to two and a half months, lulling the government seeing the low cases that the virus was under control. It is like they forgot the nature of a virus. That lock down put us far behind the eight ball and is still prolonging the virus.



211/270,000 = .078%



211/3835 = 5.5%


The Kitsap County Health Department is acting like there are going to be no beds. If they ran out they could go to Mason (53 hospitalizations) or Jefferson County (17 hospitalizations) that have virtually no hospitalizations and probably lots of beds. Remember these hospitalizations are over 10 months.



Deaths/Population = %

36/270,000 = .013% US .086%


All of these deaths were seniors with underlying conditions. We really need to investigate these deaths and see who allowed unknown infected people in their area especially after the mask mandate. I have always thought we should have studied what puts a person at risk. The demographics are well defined. The CDC could have had national procedures to protect and handle those at risk instead of leaving up to the completely inadequate county health departments. If there was a place where they dropped the ball it was not preparing these organizations in how to handle a virus. But then Fouci's and the CDC's only solution was lockdowns and masks. 


Here is the success of Inslee’s decisions on lock downs and masks. The only person more ignorant on knowing how to handle a virus outbreak is a governor! 


2 deaths first 4 months

25 deaths after mask mandate 5 months

9 deaths after phase II lock down in a month and a half.







• High-risk workers in health care settings (clinical judgment should be applied to identify who is at greatest risk using the guidance below)

• High-risk first responders (clinical judgment should be applied to identify who is at greatest risk using the guidance below)

• Residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other community-based, congregate living settings where most individuals over 65 years of age are receiving care, supervision, or assistance


This is what they have on the Kitsap County site! Why in the world we are trusting these people is beyond me.


“Kitsap Public Health has temporarily paused reporting  the number and percentage of Kitsap County residents who have received the first dose of CON-ID-19 vaccine in our COVID-19 vaccine dashboard. We are pausing updates of these figures due to an issue in the state immunization reporting system that resulted in over-counts. The most recent total reported in our vaccine dashboard is believed to be higher than the actual number of Kitsap residents receiving vaccines. Kitsap Public Health is committed to providing accurate COVID-19 vaccine information to our community. We will resume reporting these figures when we are confident that verified data is available on a consistent basis.”


How many of those truly at the risk of death are going to die during the vaccinating of the High-risk workers and High-Risk first responders. Just a question.


Let’s take a look at the words “HIGH-RISK”! We have been in this virus for 10 months. I am sure all of those at High-Risk would have gotten the virus if it were that contagious. There surely are no deaths of High-Risk workers in KC. I am sure they could go another month while your grandma or old aunt was protected.















Oh well enough applying logic and I am not going to get into whether the vaccine is a legitimate solution, the jury is still out.

There you are my up-to-date views on COVID-19 in a nutshell.



Kitsap County Virus Report 1-3-21 Statistics















It is a bit tough KPHD adjusts the numbers. Again, these numbers are only to show trends.


Population 270,000
1/1/2021        3871 Total Cases
10/17/2020    3458 Recovered  
Active Cases     377
Deaths 36


If you would like to see the case count in your area go to the website below.


To see the current active state of the virus, you subtract the total cases from two weeks ago from today's total for the current state of the virus, after two weeks you are over the virus or dead. As you can see below Washington recommends 10 days. It was 7 but now matches the CDC recommendations

You can also go to the Washington  State dashboard to see the state of all of the counties.




What to do if you get COVID.


You can see it is not really considered that dangerous. You do not have to go to the doctor or even get tested. It truly is like any other flu if you are marginally healthy. Remember Trump, 74-year-old, overweight and marginally healthy got over the virus in 4 days. His wife, son and many of his staff had the virus and all recovered.


I always found it strange that not one MSM including Fox ever interviewed one of the 19 plus million that recovered from the virus. Trump was the first one that recovered that was referenced in the MSM.


Only cumulative totals and death which look huge until you measure them to the total population. I do think that the deaths were used to promote the vaccine.


Discontinuing home isolation


For individuals with symptoms who are confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and are directed to care for themselves at home, discontinue home isolation under the following conditions:


• At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)


• At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.


Individuals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms may discontinue home isolation when at least 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test and have had no subsequent illness.

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