It was on March 6th, I started keeping statistics on Kitsap County. I quickly noticed that the positive cases were not growing like cable news was telling us.
I started looking at the nation and found that 99% of the USA hardly had any cases. So I started studying why this was being called a pandemic.
2. The Dangers of Contaminated Masks
5. Kitsap County never had a pandemic!
6. The Mid-January COVID-19 Miracle
8. Kitsap County Daily Report 2020
9. What Happened to the 2020-2021 Flu Season
10. Lingering Questions about COVID
11. Kitsap Public Health Department Exposed!
12. Washington State COVID Breakthrough Report
13. The Washington State Department of Heath is Lying to You!
14. Herd Immunity has been Achieved and the Pandemic is Over!
15. Add Your Name to the Mailing List