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Kitsap County never had a pandemic!

Over 21 months into this ordeal. 17,829 have "tested" positive for the virus out of 276,000! The CDC estimates there 4 times the test cases including the untested. So Kitsap County would have an estimated 71,316 cases. This fact seems to be overlooked by the media but hugely changes the dynamics of the virus. 

Estimated Disease Burden of COVID-19

Kitsap County - 21  months

These are estimates based on the CDC saying the total test and untested case were 4 times the tested. 


Recovered/Population = %

An estimated 71,316 have recover

244/71,316 = 99.7% survived!

The latest surge started in mid-July in all 50 states, now it has peaked around the first of September in most of the states. So if the virus goes down again do we still have to mandate vaccines? 

Today the state are all over the place. We will a new surge that was called the flu season, but since the flu has all but disappeared it is now the COVID season. You can see Kitsap County is just starting to turn around!

The Flu Season vs the COVID Season

This a great website, you can see all of the states and counties.

US COVID-19 Tracker

Now, we have to realize cases with marginally healthy people have a good side of creating a fully immune person. You have to create immune people to reach herd immunity.











It seems like the vaccine or wearing masks are not having much of an effect on the cases in Kitsap County. If anyone has noticed they are now promoting wearing masks for personal protection which has been proven to be infective! 


Let’s take a look at Washington.

It like Kitsap county surges in mid-July and now is on a downward trend. When are the powers to be that this is a self created pattern. What does cause a surge. Maybe fooling with the testing procedures?​

We have to keep a watch on Washington States statistics they do not seem to have taken a bottom turn. 


You can see the US has taken a definite turn up. This will continue up though to May 2022! Peaking in January! 



Kitsap County Health Department has not been effective keeping the cases down. For the life of me I have no idea why we were so focused on cases when we should have been focused on those at risk. The marginally healthy have a mild flu and become immune. Isn't that the goal, herd immunity. If you run the numbers we would have had 113 people a day staying home in a population of 276,000 that is .04%! No one would have noticed. Hopefully we would have had more.

We have to realize that approximately 205,000 people in Kitsap County never got the virus.

“Each COVID-19 death reported is tragic and preventable," Kitsap Public Health District Health Officer Dr. Gib Morrow said. "We have all the tools we need to slow the spread of this virus and spare more Kitsap families from enduring the grief of losing a loved one.”

Is this guy kidding us?

There have been 244 deaths in 21 months! It is hardly a pandemic! 

Let take a look at the deaths. All had underlying conditions most in their 80's. Not one person that was marginally healthy died. 

So we have 71,316 positive cases in 21 months. The CDC estimated there are 4 times as many untested cases. (Do you ever see the KCHD reference those?). 

So we have an estimated 71,316 cases with 244 deaths! 

.34%? While a death is sad it is part of this virus. The demographics are well defined and known since the very beginning. Why in the world did they worry about the healthy instead of focusing on those at risk. Many lives could have been saved. 

Were the deaths preventable?

2 deaths in the first 4 months
21 deaths to the mask mandate 5 months
219 deaths after the mini lockdown in mid November! 
210 deaths since January 1
deaths since the release of the vaccine! 

Why the increase in deaths of 87% after the release of the vaccine?

So what has Dr. Morrow done to stop the deaths? Maybe he could give us his plan and why it has allowed so many deaths?  

"We have all the tools we need to slow the spread of this virus and spare more Kitsap families from enduring the grief of losing a loved one.”

What tools? Nothing has changed for the 19 months. We need to know these tools. 

Look at the trend of the virus! Nothing Dr. Morrow or Inslee have done slowed the virus, We have to ask "slow for what"? The vaccine is here! But it is hardly effective! How do I know? We are all still wearing masks and there is no plan not to! 

Kitsap County Virus Daily Report

Those that are responsible for the deaths are not the citizens! We depend on our health departments to protect us. From what Dr. Morrow has said they have been doing a poor job. 


Do Mask Mandates Work?

Every mandate failed to stop the deaths. They spent 14 months worrying about cases when they should have been focused on studying what makes someone at risk and putting in national policies. Where was Fauci, the CDC and WHO?


Fauci and the CDC did top-down policy. They seemed Ignorant that all the responsibility would fall on the city or county health departments. Depending on the level of cases this was disastrous in many counties. Many county health officials were fired or quit. There were few with the expertise to handle this faux pandemic.


Public Health Officials Are Quitting or Getting Fired in Throes of Pandemic


Look at all the time and work spent tracking tests. For what? In the "Do Mask Mandate Work" you can see that there is virtually no difference whether you had draconian mandates or lax rules. Look at how many lives, livelihoods and businesses ruined with ineffective lock downs.


This will be the largest miscalculation in the history of the world.


As for vaccines. They are worth it for those at risk and those around those at risk. But do very little for those marginally healthy. Even if you get vaccinated you can spread the virus. We can hope it frees those at risk. We will see! So far they have not cleared it to visit those at risk.


You can see where the idiot Inslee is!


Every state was open by August 1st. The new surge started at the end of July in "everyone" of the fifty state to differing degrees. I think this is impossible. I wonder if the CDC is fiddling with the sensitivity of the tests again. 

United States Coronavirus Cases:

Washington State Active Cases.JPG
USA Active Cases.JPG

© 2023 by Kitsap County Virus Report

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