Do Mask Mandates Work?
I was using Texas for a example of a mask mandate but they opened up the state on March 10th.
After the mask mandate ended the cases dropped 31%!
This really proves that the contaminated mask it a prime source of the infection.
This is the simplest report I have ever done!
I will start with Dr. RedFields claim!
Dr. Redfields, Director of the CDC, Statement on July 14, 2020
“If we could get everybody to wear a mask right now, I really do think within 4, 6 to 8 weeks we could bring this epidemic under control.”
I saw the news and they stated that there were 2 states that have no mask limitations at all. A few with strong recommendations but no mask mandate. I thought I would do a comparison to those that have full mandates and you will be surprised.
An interesting fact: The surge started world wide at the end of October! And no one questions why!
I will let the statistics speak for themselves.
I was using Texas for a example of a mask mandate but they opened up the state on March 10th. After the mask mandate the cases dropped 31%! This really proves that the contaminated mask it a prime source of the infection.
Here is the state of Washington where I have had direct draconian mask and lock down control. Mask mandate went in on June 26th and virtual did nothing to stop the spread. Again it is the contaminated mask and the lack of safety protocols caused by COVID burnout. As you can see the cases surge over twice the size of the previous highs. The state put in another lock down on November 19th and there was no effect.
I got this info from these two web sources.
This ABC article actually tries to say masks work, but you can see from what I have presented it is not true.
Which US states require masks and which 2 don't at all?
I found this gem! It shows all of the mask requirements of all the states.
State-by-State Guide to Face Mask Requirements
It virtually makes no difference. Of course, I attribute much of the spread of the virus to mishandling contaminated masks.
The Dangers of Contaminated Masks
How many lives have been lost or ruined, how many businesses are gone due to the lock down?
You can see above that there was no need for the lock down!
But many places like California, Texas, Florida and other states that locked down early stopped most of the deaths, but when opened up slightly had a huge case surge and deaths. The virus seems to say "You can pay me now or pay me late.
I am a bit surprised with all the deaths, since the demographics of those at risk are well defined. 90% of the deaths are over 65, all with underlying conditions.