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No Risk for Children?


On another forum I said the only the old folks and sick need to worry about dying from the virus. And got a response that others died too. She reprimanded me for not caring or something. But you can see here Children do not die from this virus.


I thought I would show the statistics. I am not going to argue, these are raw statistics from government sources. All government agencies operate on statistics. That is how they know where the fires are and where to put the necessary attention on putting them out. You can make your own minds up.


Children are at very small risk of dying from this virus. Yes, they can get the virus and like most suffer some mild flu like symptoms for 10 days per the CDC. Now you can make up your own mind if you want to lock your child up until the virus is gone, which could be a long, long time. Most parents do not have the resources.


I hope that most know the symptoms.


What to do if you have confirmed or suspected coronavirus disease (COVID-19)


Here are the statistics of deaths of children.


Ages 1-19 deaths 10

WA ages 50+ 95% of Total Deaths 6204 8-9-21


CA ages 0 to 17 0% of Total Deaths

CA ages 50+ 93% of Total Deaths 63,976 8-9-21


For the deaths of the children in OH, MI and NY, we do no know if they died of the virus or with it or whether they were healthy or sick.


Ages 1-18 deaths 7
Ages 50+ 98% Total Deaths 20,580 8-9-21



I include Michigan because there was a reference to a single death there.

Ages 1-19 deaths 15

Ages 50+ 90% of Total Deaths 21,252 8-9-21,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html


And the hot spot of the USA.


Ages 1-19 deaths              30

Ages 50+ 96% of Total Deaths 43,184 8-9-21


How about the children deaths in the USA.

Total deaths 597,785


Ages 1-18 COVID-19 Deaths 546


Ages 50+ 95% of the total deaths 8-9-21


Demographic Trends of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the US reported to CDC


Can the healthy die of the virus? Only 6% have died of COVID with no reference to any other cause. But no more than die of the annual flu. Do you send your children to school with the fear they are going to die of the flu? Of course not. They could also die in a car accident or many other ways including other illnesses, yet you are not fearful. Our lives are made up of odds and risks, most are acceptable since they are beyond our control.


The flu disappeared in March 2020! And the only virus recognized then was COVID? Really?

The Flu Season vs the COVID Season

With this information we should be able to reasonably send the children to school.


We will finally have to realize this flu will not disappear without attaining "herd immunity". Yes, more cases and a few more deaths. That is the nature of the virus.


I suppose you have to consider the health of the others in the family! I am sure they are already facing that problem with the children out and about with other children. But, of course, they are all wearing masks! RIGHT!!!

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