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Lingering Questions about COVID


July 18, 2021

We still have many lingering questions about the virus after 16 months.

I have wondered why we haven’t had “official” studies by the CDC and the WHO.

There have been many studies by other sources which have given many different narratives.

Here are a few place where studies should have been done

1. When did this virus start?

They said it hit our shores on January 20, 2020. But the Red Cross found COVID in the blood supply in mid-December, 2019. I had this virus at the end of November 2019, that was the reason I started questioning the information from Fauci and the CDC. There were many that had the flu in December, January and February in our area. We had 12 deaths in senior facilities in March. The first deaths were on February 28, 2020! That original fellow was very busy to have the virus spread to a senior facility in Kirkland, WA.

Study Suggests Possible New COVID-19 Timeline in the U.S.

Not one official study? They are still sticking with the January 20th date.

2. What was the cause of the virus?

All agree it came from Wuhan. Even today Fauci is touting that it came from a natural cause. Yes, he is considering doing an investigation. But it has been 16 month. It has been common knowledge that it was developed in a lab since the very beginning.

No study was done by the CDC. What has been called a corrupt study was done by the WHO which claimed it did not come from a Wuhan lab.

You can see that Senator Cotton explained the situation here on January 30, 2020.


January 30, 2020: Senator Cotton Urges China Travel Ban in Wake of Coronavirus

If it came from a lab by accident China would be liable for over four million deaths and untold billions if not trillions in lost businesses. But what if it wasn't by accident?

3. What happened to the flu?


The flu disappeared in March 2020! And the only virus recognized from then on was COVID? Really?

The Flu Season vs the COVID Season

This opens the door to many 
questions. What if someone got the flu and it was identified as COVID, then got COVID or visa versa! They are only depending on a somewhat questionable testing process. No doctor or medical personnel would question it. 


4. Why was the first and only solution the development of a Vaccine?

We have watched as Fauci and the CDC virtually ignored any other solutions to handle COVID like inexpensive hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and others. There was a huge propaganda effort to discredit these solutions in the MSM, to the point any mention of them was banned on social media. We surely do not want to think this was just for big pharma profits. 

The vaccine was the only approved solution for a virus that 99.6% of those that got it survived.

"During a visit in March 2020 by President Trump (second from right) to a lab at NIH, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci (center) describes the VRC’s efforts to combat the novel coronavirus."

“The VRC worked with a company called Moderna to use this information to quickly customize their prototype approach to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. By early February, a COVID-19 vaccine candidate had been designed and manufactured. This vaccine is called mRNA-1273. By March 16, 2020, this vaccine had entered the first phase of clinical trials. Other vaccines, including a similar one from Pfizer and BioNTech SE, entered clinical trials not long after.”

This article is very enlightening.


COVID-19 Vaccine Development: Behind the Scenes


March 16, 2020? It only showed up two month before! I believe it was never about COVID, but all about the vaccine. The vaccine got an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) from the FDA in mid-December. But what was the emergency? It was, of course, to combat the deaths. But with the rollout it was not focused on those at risk but the health workers and those that could get in line first. The health workers? They had been working closely with this virus for 10 months and the most dangerous and most infectious virus never infected them?

5. Reporting Statistics

From early March the MSM kept a running total of reported tested cases and deaths. Not once did they mention those that got the virus became 100% immune. Never saying this is the basis of the elimination of all viruses "Herd Immunity". It was all right in front of us.


They also didn't tell us that the tested were only a portion of the infected. The CDC estimates that there are 4 times the tested number that have been infected. This would have dropped the deaths to a much smaller percentage per the cases. This is where the 99.6% of the cases survive comes from. 

Today, we have many vaccinated and we should separately report those that have now tested  positive that are vaccinated and non-vaccinated. We are now made aware of this with the news that five of the vaccinated democrats leaving Texas tested positive for the virus. 

We should also be testing for anti-bodies to show if we had COVID since we would be 100% immune and not need the vaccine. They know this and still insist everyone get the vaccine. 

6. Deaths

When we started seeing deaths, virtually all were those with underlying health problems. Most were seniors. There seems to still be a problem with reporting the cause of the deaths. Many of the senior died with the virus not of the virus, yet were thrown into a "COVID Death" total. 

The CDC says that only 6% have COVID as the reason for death on their death certificate and that number is questionable. That leaves 94% that died with underlying health conditions. It is a crime that the public is not made aware of these statistics. This truly is not the virus of death they say it is.

Today, the deaths have dropped considerably due to the vaccine. Yet, there are still a couple hundred a day in the US. It would be very helpful if we could get more information on those deaths. 

We now should separate the deaths of those that had the vaccine and those that did not have the vaccine.


7. Why Lockdowns?

I wrote an article on March 22nd, 2020 about the devastation lockdowns would cause. The demographics of those at risk were already well defined. Who in the world would lockdown the healthy population and not protect those at risk? It has never been done before.

They were justifiably worried about the hospitalization that would be necessary! So Trump okayed a lockdown for 2 weeks to let the hospitals get up to speed. Now this may have been necessary in the hot spots but not in 99.9% of America. Most of the democrat run states locked down for months, destroying lives and businesses.

They built temporary hospitals? Washington state put one on a football field and tore it down in 3 days. I can give you the statistics about how many needed hospitals in King county, but they couldn’t come close to fill their 90 plus hospitals in a population of 2.2 million. 

The cure is worse than the cause!


I said that on March 22, 2020. Here is a fellow that was the only other one touting that fact.

I found this interview of Dr. Katz on March 27th. It is worth the watch. It shows the short sightedness of Fauci and the CDC on how to manage those at risk.

Dr. David Katz discusses his New York Times op ed, ‘Is our fight against coronavirus worse than the disease?’ 

Here is the original article. It is a NYT article dated March 2020, you may not be able to read it without a subscription.

I think the biggest mistake was putting it in the hands of the governors instead of establishing guidelines directly to the county health departments who had the final responsibility and were wholly unprepared to handle the problem. It is funny most of the WA counties never had a pandemic.

Kitsap County never had a pandemic!

This is a study that should have been done up front before considering lockdowns as a solution. 

8. The Mask

For Protection

The mask is ineffective for personal protection! The CDC and WHO know this. Why they are promoting protection now is truly some kind of manipulation.


Dr Fauci on 60 Minutes - You Don't Need A Mask!

Surgeon general: Data doesn't back up wearing masks in public amid coronavirus pandemic

To Protect Others

We were mandated to wear a mask to protect others, Modelling studies estimate that 5 to 40% of coronavirus infections "could" be transmitted by people who have the virus but no symptoms, a World Health Organization expert has acknowledged after her comment on Monday that asymptomatic transmission was “very rare” and caused a stir. But Dr Maria Van Kerkhove maintained that real world data suggested it could still be a rare event when she took part in a social media Q&A to explain herself, saying she was not referencing the modelling studies when she spoke. 


Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s Covid-19 technical lead, said that on asymptomatic transmission “we don’t have the answer yet”. Her comment at the WHO’s Monday press briefing about its rarity was based on two or three studies following up the contacts of asymptomatic people, and unpublished data shared by countries or experts with her organisation.

Van Kerkhove was hugely discredited. But there were no follow ups on her claims. The mask is now the foremost protection against the virus, even senior to the vaccine.

I created these webpages back in July 2020. 

The Dangers of Contaminated Masks


Do Mask Mandates Work?

9. The Handling of the Pandemic?

This by far was the largest oversight. Fauci and the CDC decided each state should handle the virus as they saw fit. This became a nightmare, every governor and their health department handled it with their own interpretation of the CDC guidelines, some with draconian mandates other with kid gloves. But the final responsibility came down to the counties, who were not equipped to handle a “pandemic” or even recognize one.

When I studied my own Kitsap county it was instantly apparent that there was no pandemic! Kitsap county in the 16 months had an average of 18 cases a day in a population of 270.000, this was around 4 cases per day in the 5 different areas.

A simple study would have made them realize that the counties would be handling the virus and should have been based on strict standard policies directly from the CDC.

Kitsap County never had a pandemic!

10. Virus Misinformation

The first thing was to stop the spread of the virus at all costs. Now, this was a virus that 99.6% of the people recovered. The CDC had to know this. The MSM seemed to be unaware that each case created an immune person. Go back to the beginning and if the people would have that knowledge, imagine how little they would have worried. The goal was herd immunity! You get that by people getting the virus.

Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, the MSM and Social Media promoted this as the "Virus of Death". The Biden administration still is, even though the daily deaths by COVID have dropped to double digits. 

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic in the USA

We now have many that have had the vaccine getting the virus. There are over 10.000 that have died of COVID that had the vaccine. That is approximately and average of 53 a day since the vaccine was introduced.


VAERS COVID Vaccine Data

The CDC never promoted that COVID was a mild virus, but they did indicate that this was not a serious virus by how the describe what you did if you got it. 

This is from the CDC on what to do if you got the virus. This was in the state and county information also about how to handle the virus. 

“I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms”


You can be around others after:


10 days since symptoms first appeared and

24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and

Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*


When You Can be Around Others After You Had or Likely Had COVID-19

Hardly a description of how to handle a deadly virus. So how did it become such a dangerous virus in the minds of so many?

© 2023 by Kitsap County Virus Report

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