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Washington State COVID Breakthrough Report!

You have to search for this data! 

Breakthrough Information 10-31-21

Breakthrough: The Fully vaccinated that get COVID!


You will not see this type of analysis anywhere else. It should be everywhere. 

Doing statistics is always a work in progress. Here is an interesting statistic that popped up! 

"It seems like the vaccinated that are at risk are still dying of COVID. 64% of the deaths had underlying health conditions and another 35% are still being investigated. That equals 99%! Only 1% had no underlying health conditions."

It also shows that approximately 39% of all the deaths over 64 were vaccinated. Sadly, they do not break down the breakthrough deaths by age.

The CDC requires “All” air passengers to be tested no matter vaccine status!

It is Time to Stop the Vaccine Mandate!

They are making policy like "Mandating Vaccines" from the data of the WSDOH and other health departments. This breakthrough information should be readily available for them to evaluate. But they do not put it on the main dashboards. This information comes from the separate breakthrough report and and analysis from the raw data.


You can see the vaccine is marginally effective. Hardly to the point of separating people! 

This is important information when they are mandating all be vaccinated. 

The vaccinated are spreading and getting the virus, going to the hospital and dying at a significant rate. 

The only people that are truly safe from the virus are the naturally immune and those that have been tested in the last 72 hours.

Those with one Pfizer or Moderna injection or have not waited the two weeks are not included in the fully vaccinated, yet they are included in the unvaccinated. If someone dies of the vaccine there is no record. We need three categories for the deaths!

12-05-21 to 12-11-21 - 10,302 Cases

12-05-21 to 12-11-21 – 824 Hospitalization

12-05-21 to 12-11-21 – 103 Deaths

You have to download the data from the WSDOH COVID dashboard to get this info.
Epidemiological Curve>Tabular View>Weekly Download

They update it weekly.

WSDOH COVID-19 Data Dashboard

The breakthrough (fully vaccinated getting the virus) data is in a separate report.
This report is a pdf and is updated every week so if you want to keep track you have to archive it.
It is obvious that they want to keep this obscure.

We should have this data shown per age. I imagine the +60 data would be shocking! 


This is the only place you will probably see this chart.









This is the result of not giving us the archive data. But your trusty statistician is exposing the discrepancies.

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Breakthrough Surveillance and Case Information Resource


At a Glance (data from January 17, 2021 - December 11, 2021)
• 86,237 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough cases have been identified in Washington
• Of the cases that have data available (approximately 50%):
– 87% reported symptoms
– 8% were hospitalized
• 851 people died of COVID-related illness

I have done an analysis on Kitsap Public Heath District and they have been manipulating the data.

Kitsap Public Health District Exposed! 
They are Skewing the Data in Favor of the Vaccine!

If the breakthrough cases continue to increase, we have to look into the approval process this vaccine went through with the FDA. 

If a manufacturer can be proven to have made and distributed a harmful product then can they be prosecuted in spite of the liability protections? 

If a public servant or health agency should be aware of and has also been well served with information regarding the severe safety and efficacy signals and then fails to shut down the program and take the products out of distribution to humans can they be prosecuted? What are misfeasance, nonfeasance, and malfeasance? What is dereliction of duty?

chart 12-11.JPG

© 2023 by Kitsap County Virus Report

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