The Washington State Department of Health is Lying to You!
Here is the Smoking Gun!
This is a somewhat detailed report. Actually it wasn't that hard to expose their lies.
They are deciding on "Vaccine Mandates" on false information and now it is criminal!
Report PDFs - Dec 22 Report Jan 12 Report Jan 19 Report
In a Nutshell!
Dec 22 Report
Cases with Symptoms
Reported 41,054 Estimated Actual 74,856
Cases with Hospitalization
Reported 3461 Estimated Actual 6,859
Jan 12 Report
Cases with Symptoms
Reported 47,353 Estimated Actual 102,532
Cases with Hospitalization
Reported 3996 Estimated Actual 9,811
Jan 19 Report
Cases with Symptoms
Reported 50,336 Estimated Actual 104,132
Cases with Hospitalization
Reported 4,573 Estimated Actual 10,388
If they are lying about these numbers, how can we trust any of their numbers?
I am sure there is a whistleblower amongst the staff.
Dec 22 Report
Here is the report from Dec 22. They have updated the original report, but I can send you this PDF. I have had earlier reports for a couple of months!
That would be 75,026 with Symptoms!
That would be 6899 hospitalizations.
Let’s look at this chart
38,853 (45%) was not used in the calculations for symptomatic.
6,330+41,054= 47,384
41,054/47,384= 86.6%
The no hospital information for 42,481 (49%) was not used in the calculations for hospitalization.
40,295+3461= 43,756
3461/43756= 7.9%
Now they didn’t publish this report for 3 weeks? Why?
It was obvious, they were finding a way to spin the increase in breakthrough cases.
Then they came up with this. Look at what they include in this report.
Let’s look at the same chart as above.
The 38% and 3% are less than half of the 12-22 report. Why the huge discrepancy?
47,353/123,365= 38.3%
3996/123,365= 3.2%
They used the total number in the calculations. Was this to reduce the percentages? Of course it was. The previous reports used the actual numbers.
So using the original formula this is what the true percentages are.
47,353/ 56,884= 83.2%
3996/ 50,667= 7.8%
Let’s take a look at the 1-19 report
The relevant chart
They again use the total number in the calculations.
So using the original formula this is what the true percentages are.
50,336/67,769= 74.2%
4573/50,667= 8.4%
So you can see they are obviously hiding the true numbers.
But they are hiding quite a bit more. You have to follow this a bit closely.
Report from 12-22
We have 38,853 with no symptomatic information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 87% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
38,853*87%=33,802+41,055= A whopping 74,856 breakthrough with symptoms.
We have 42,481 with no hospitalization information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 8% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
42,481*8%= 3,398+3461= A whopping 6,859 breakthrough with Hospitalizations
Again realize this is three weeks later. I am sure they were wondering how to spin the information.
Report from 01-12
Please note the no symptom information jumped from 45% to 54% and the hospitalization jumped 49% to 59% from the 12-22 report. There is less known information than known?
We have 66,481with no symptomatic information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 83% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
66,481*83%=55,179+47,353= 102,532 breakthrough with symptoms.
We have 72,698 with no hospitalization information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 8% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
72,698*8%= 5,815+3,996= 9,811 breakthrough with Hospitalizations
Report from 01-19
Please note the no symptom information jumped from 45% to 58% and the hospitalization jumped 49% to 67% from the 12-22 report. There is less known information than known than last week? This seems to be done on purpose.
We have 94,538 with no symptomatic information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 74% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
94,538 *74%=53,796+50,336= 104,132 breakthrough with symptoms.
We have 108,066 with no hospitalization information. Let’s take that number and multiply it by the 8% and add it to the symptomatic numbers
108,066 *8%= 5,815+4,573= 10,388 breakthrough with Hospitalizations
This shows there are far more symptomatic and hospitalizations than they report.